What Is Cryptocurrency And How Does It Work

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In 2009, a certain Satoshi Nakamoto, whose identity has not yet been established, presented the first Cryptocurrency – bitcoin

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Today, about 8 thousand different types of Cryptocurrency are known, but bitcoin remains the most reliable and stable of the entire list

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In simple terms, "Cryptocurrency" is virtual money, the emission of which occurs electronically through complex mathematical calculations

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Mining: This is the processing of transactions and the formation of data blocks, for which a reward is issued in the form of cryptocoins

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Exchanges and exchangers: The easiest and easiest way to become owner of a digital currency is to enter market and buy it with real money

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Decentralization: There is no single issuer, which means it cannot change the course or withdraw tokens from the exchange.

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Inflation protection: The end issue is known, which preserves the value of the asset.

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Inflation protection: The end issue is known, which preserves the value of the asset.

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Anonymity: Many exchanges do not require the provision of personal data.

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High profitability in the future: The price of crypto depends on demand. Despite high volatility, in long term, its value is growing

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