In 2023, the forecasted Neo price is a minimum price value $20.07 and an average of $20.75.

White Frame Corner

In 2024, NEO might fall to a minimum value of $28.82 and an average of $29.86.

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In 2025, NEO might fall to a minimum value of $44.78 and an average of $45.97.

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In 2026, NEO might return to a minimum price of $61.95 and an average of $64.25.

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In 2027, NEO could potentially reach an average trading price of $92.45; the expected maximum price is $109.04.

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In 2028, the average price forecast is $136.96, while the minimum price forecast is $132.34.

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In 2029, the NEO price might fall back to an average value of $197.09 and a minimum value of $190.24.

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In 2030, the NEO price might fall back to an average forecast price of $283.60 and a minimum value of $273.75.

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Fantom Price Prediction For 2022: Is Now The Time To Buy?
